Thailand Wealth Management Forum 2019 - Exclusive Insights - Irene Lee

Irene Lee of Hawksford

May 13, 2019

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1. What challenges do Thai families have and how is that changing?

Video transcript

1. What challenges do Thai families have and how is that changing?

The Thai culture has always been one of openness to some extent, but then very patriarchal or matriarchal. A lot of the decisions have always been left to the parents. However, once the funds and assets are transferred, that's where the second generation comes in. They may need to know what is there, what is the risk involved. How do we then help them to walk through the myriad of products and services available and keep them informed? Always keep them informed. Guide them through, give them the necessary information, and help establish the relationship so that they trust you and they know that you have their best interests at hearts.

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