Indian Wealth Management Forum 2019 - Highlights - Kailash Kulkarni

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1. What are the challenges and opportunities for this industry?

Video transcript

1. What are the challenges and opportunities for this industry?

The biggest challenge for the industry today is to manage the sentiment given the current environment where both on the fixed income side, as well on the equity side, you have different kinds of challenges. On the fixed income side, it's mainly the credit related issues. On the equity side, it's the markets, which haven't been performing now for what, about a year, year and a half? It's managing the sentiment. It's trying to keep the people on track. I think those are the challenges. Unfortunately, I think a dime a dozen given the corrections in the markets. We actually feel that the markets are now much better valued and given that the growth story in India is still intact, all of a sudden they disagreed with that statement. I still believe that this is the place to be, and it's a great opportunity to make some good money over the next three to five years.

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