Jeff Chang




Jeff Chang, the chairman of Cathay Securities Investment Trust as well as the chairman of Securities Investment Trust & Consulting Association of the R.O.C. , is extremely experienced in various aspects such as investment research, discretionary investment service and fund management. Furthermore, he performs extraordinary well on his post. Prior to his arrival at Cathay, he had positioned as AVP and Head of Investment & Research Department in Capital SITE and as VP and CIO of ING SITE. Due to his in-depth knowledge on investment research and investment experiences, Jeff has unique views and a great vision on the investment trend. 

After ten years of leading Cathay Securities Investment Trust, Jeff has successfully raised the total portfolio size under management of Cathay from NT$65 billion to NT$450 billion and made a substantial progress in peer ranking of total fund size under management from 22nd to 1st. Jeff expects Cathay Securities Investment Trust will actively carry out the development of new financial products, offshore funds, expanding the capital management size.
He holds a degree in Industrial Engineering, Tunghai University and a MBA from Industrial Management, National Chen Kung University.

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