Moz Afzal

Global Chief Investment Officer

EFG Asset Management


Moz Afzal is the chief investment officer (CIO) of EFG Asset Management (EFGAM),, and the chief executive officer of EFGAM (UK). He is chairman of the EFGAM Asset Allocation Committee, and has overall supervisory responsibility for the investment process.

He joined EFG Private Bank in 1994, and was appointed as a director and CIO in March 2003, and as a director of asset management in January 2000. In his previous capacity at EFG, he managed a series of fixed income funds and multi-asset class portfolios, and has held supervisory roles in multi-manager long-only and hedge fund investments. Prior to joining EFG, he was an investment analyst in the macro-economic policy division at HM Treasury.

Moz holds a BSc Hons Degree in Mathematics from Middlesex University and an MBA from Aston University.

The latest articles from Moz Afzal


Why big is not always better in asset management Mammoth fund sizes can actually have the effect of lowering the ability of fund managers to generate alpha, according to Moz Afzal and Rebekah Chuan of EFG Asset Management..