More practical professional development needed to drive talent in wealth management

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Sandip Ghose, Director, National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM), talks about the need for market-related and practical professional development for talent in wealth management.

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1. Why would it be a good idea to raise competency standards in wealth management in India?

2. Why has the regulator or the industry not demanded these higher standards to date?

3. In the busy lives that we lead - our own professional development is often forgotten?

4. What else is missing in a purely academic qualification?

5. What's the role of NISM in all this?

Video transcript

1. Why would it be a good idea to raise competency standards in wealth management in India?

2. Why has the regulator or the industry not demanded these higher standards to date?

3. In the busy lives that we lead - our own professional development is often forgotten?

4. What else is missing in a purely academic qualification?

5. What's the role of NISM in all this?