Private Banks

UBS posts 2022 net profit of USD 7.6bn

With its most recent earnings, UBS exceeded market forecasts thanks to lower costs and increased interest rates. But due to reduced client activity, the lender's revenues fell. UBS reported USD1.7 billion of net income in the fourth quarter of 2022 and a total of USD7.6 billion across the entirety of last year.

In APAC, the bank attracted USD14bn of net new fee-generating assets for the year.


“We delivered good full-year and solid fourth-quarter results in a difficult macroeconomic and geopolitical environment. Our performance proves that our strategy is the right one. Clients turned to us for advice and stability, resulting in USD 60bn of net new fee-generating assets for the full year and USD 23bn in the fourth quarter. We maintained a strong capital position while returning USD 7.3bn of capital to our shareholders in 2022.”