
India's HNIs looking to family offices to manage wealth

A re­port by Edel­weiss Pri­vate Wealth Man­age­ment and Cam­p­den Fam­ily Con­nect notes that more than half of Indian families are interested in setting up or joining a family office.

The report notes that In­dian fam­ily busi­nesses con­tinue to over­look suc­ces­sion plan­ning  and that only 19 per cent of fam­i­lies have for­mally agreed or writ­ten suc­ces­sion plans.

According to the report, 58 per cent of fam­i­lies are in­ter­ested in set­ting up a fam­ily of­fice them­selves or join­ing one added that half of them are al­ready in the process.

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