Bernd Hartmann

Head of Group Investment Research

VP Bank


Bernd Hartmann is Chief Strategist and Head of Investment Research at VP Bank Group in Vaduz, Liechtenstein. He is responsible for analysing currencies, bonds, equities and alternative investments, as well as for macroeconomic analysis. As a member of the Investment Tactics Committee, he is jointly in charge of determining the tactical positioning of VP Bank’s portfolio management mandates. 

Prior to joining VP Bank, Bernd Hartmann was an equity investment fund manager at the Liechtensteinische Landesbank. He holds an MBA in financial services and a BA in business economics from the Liechtenstein University of Applied Sciences. 

The latest articles from Bernd Hartmann

Strategy & Practice Management

The imminent risk of rising yields and how investors can react Bernd Hartmann, Head of Investment Research & Chief Strategist at VP Bank Group, cautioned the audience at the Hubbis Independent Wealth Management Forum of March 8 on the risk of rising yields and strategies to mitigate the downside..

The latest events from Bernd Hartmann